Our project’s kick-off workshop was held on 13 December 2022 with the participation of
representatives from academia, government departments, embassies, and civil society
organisations. At the event, we shared our preliminary findings with the participants, including
Australia’s Ambassador Türkiye, First Secretary of Hungary’s Embassy in Ankara, country manager
of the Chevening Programme, director education and projects manager of the British Council,
experts from the Presidency of Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), Turkish Higher
Education Council, Ministry of National Education, Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey
(TEPAV), and colleagues from Bilkent University, Karamanoğlu Mehmet Bey University, and Ankara
Yıldırım Beyazıt University. In addition to sharing our own work, the provided us a great
opportunity to learn about the Stipendium Hungaricum offered by the government of Hungary. We
thank our participants for offering their insightful comments and suggestions that helped us
carry out a scholarly productive networking event.
We held the second periodic workshop of our project on 11 May 2023. At this event, we shared our
new research findings on the planning and implementation of Fulbright, Chevening, Australian
Awards, Chinese Government Scholarship Programme, Gosstipendia, Türkiye Scholarships, and the
Global Korean Scholarships programme. We thank our participants from YTB, Ministry of Education,
Foreign Policy Institute (DPE), Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV), British
Council, Bilkent University, Middle East Technical University, Atılım University, Ankara
University, and TED University for fruitful discussion of the internationalization of education
and foreign policy processes.
1st National Congress of the Turkish Political Science Association (Siyasi ilimler Türk Derneği
– 1. Ulusal Siyaset Bilimi Kongresi), 24, 25 September 2022.
PI Selver Şahin and PhD fellow Hacer Atabaş presented their paper entitled “Rethinking
International Scholarship Programmes: An Analysis of the Policy Practice of the Turkish
Experience” at the event held at Istanbul Bilgi University.
80th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, 13- 16 Nisan 2023
We shared our research with the international audience through online delivery of our panel
“Overseas Scholarship Programs and Foreign Policy Priorities: New Perspectives” on 13 April
2023. We thank the organizers of the event for their motivating interest in our project, and
generous financial support that covered the costs associated with conference registration and
membership fees.